Inspire Me. Yes I can!

Inspire Me. Yes I can! has been developed by Zita who has been working as a senior consultant in the health care industry for 20 years as project manager, financial and health economic specialist.

Zita’s passions have always been sports and healthy eating. In 2011, she certified as Coach for Prevention and Health Promotion to support lifestyle change behaviour for people with chronic diseases based on recognized approaches. The qualification included psychological and pedagogical skills to deliver content for lifestyle change and training for physical activity, nutrition and relaxation. Zita is also a certified Yoga Instructor recognized by the Yoga Alliance. Since 2012, Zita has applied her knowledge and guided private clients in changing their lifestyle.

In her role as a consultant for health systems and services, Zita has been constantly confronted with the impact of population lifestyle choices on national health statistics and economic data.

In her role as personal coach for prevention and health promotion she has helped people to manage the consequences of unhealthy behaviors that lead to chronic diseases. Zita’s theoretical background as well as her hands on experience give her a unique insight into the world of lifestyle change behaviour.

These complementing experiences led her to write the content of Inspire Me. Yes I can! during the stillness of COVID 19, to support lifestyle changes from a holistic perspective to an affordable price.

Each module is based on a manuscript between 120 and 140 pages. Each manuscript was then converted into short videos with the support of Dinky a fabolus professional instructional designer, Linda a skillfull, fun and patient editor, and Mary who passionly created the illustrations included in the module "The Body", many of the animated parts  in the videos, and designed the workbooks.

Valuable content contributions have been provided to her by friends and colleagues such as professional nurses, physiotherapist, trainers, paedagogist, psychologists, people she trained and people she met in her life journey.